Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cactus Flowers

Mike pointed out two flowers on a cactus we have in the side yard. They are quite beautiful, and really only last in perfection for one day. So glad we didn't miss it!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

El Dia de los Muertos

From midnight October 31st thru November 2nd there is a celebration for the Day of the Dead. Unlike Halloween, which represents death as something to be feared, the Mexican people celebrate the departed. They clean and decorate the graves with lots of flowers, bring food and pretty much camp out all night in the cemetaries to welcome the departed spirits. Gary, Tracy and I visited the local cemetary which was still being prepared for the celebrations.

I saw lots of gravesites covered with flowers, but was drawn to the oldest of the graves which were either simply a patch of cement (likely too poor to pay for a headstone), or a mound of bricks or stones. Only on one mound did I spot identification, a marble headstone leaning against it, which indicated the departed had been 106 years old!


Mike and I dressed up as Tinkerbell (or Tink Herbal) and Peter Pan for Halloween. Pal Gary managed to look absolutely terrifying with lots of icky make-up, scaring the littlest of the kids, and delighting the older ones. There were lots of skeletons, and little devils, pretty princesses and even Snow White. This year we had more kids than ever before. A good time was had by all. Oh, check out the dad who had SEVEN kids riding on his ATV!

Cattle Egret

This little egret has discovered a wealth of tiny fish to eat right at the small bridge culvert going into town. Every single day he hangs out there, along with a couple of other birds.

The Malacon

For some time workers across the river have been constructing a malacon. Now, we are not sure WHY because it doesn't really start in town, and we are not sure where it is going. Rumor is floating around that the Governor is planning to retire over there at some point. Maybe he just wants a nice smooth strip on which to take his morning walks. Seems to us the funding would have been better appropriated repairing the actual adjacent road, a nasty bit of land that slows everyone down to a few miles an hour except for the locals who seem not to notice the multiple potholes and miserable condition of the road.

Vendor in Town

Recently in town we have spotted an old gentlemen carting around shelves decorated with macrame. Kind of clever, and I think the next time I see him, we will have to score one of these items for the house.

Macy's House

Mike and I drove to the other side of the river, and spent an evening with John Macy, and pals Bob and Chip. Lots of yucking it up.

Paloma's Birthday at the Farm

Jose and many of his family got together at the farmhouse to celebrate Paloma's birthday. She was quite the little beauty in her pretty lace dress, and looked forward to the stack of gifts piled on top of the hot tub. As typical, everyone brought mounds of great food, and we were honored to be invited to join the party. It was hard to resist the fabulous cake, too!

Little Frogs

Taken from our porch in Sequim, I spotted two little frogs hanging out in a bush. Sometimes they are hard to spot. Aren't they charming little fellows?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dewy Morning

A few weeks ago I stepped down from our front porch and spotted some roses that were covered in morning dew. Then I noticed a very cool spider web beaded in dew, as well. Nature is so wonderful.

Chinook at Pt. Angeles

Schmidty, Mike and I went fishing off Port Angeles. Mike caught this huge Chinook...a few days later we were poking around in our little boat out of John Wayne Marina, and Mike caught another fish...just a bit different in size!

Iz at the Dog Show

Jake, Chelsea and wee Ashton met us at the Sequim Dog Show. We walked around looking at all the different breeds of dogs. Ashton wanted to pet this one which was far larger than she is, but he was a nice gentle dog. Mike and I had hot dogs, then it struck us as kind of funny having hot dogs at a dog show.


Here is what happens when you don't pay attention to the roof heights pulling into a gas station with a camper loaded on the truck...pretty nasty business, sheered off a few things on top, like the skylight and antennae. The gas station cashier said it happens all the time there. How about a sign that says something like, "NO RVS!"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Revamped Farmhouse Side Garden

Over the last couple of months we have been revamping the side garden near the farmhouse. I wish I had taken a "before" shot, but there was a rotting split rail fence, and three low planting beds that were falling apart. True, the strawberry plant rows were a huge plus, but it really needed a facelift. So...here we have the results.


Walking past the pond the other day we spotted a mama duck with nine ducklings.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Gary's Vista

Mike, Mike Z and I went on our ATVs yesterday to probably the highest flat spot above Mulege. The vista was incredible. Seemed that we could see forever. Coming back we spotted a driftwood man wearing a helmet.

Heron and Osprey

We have seen a pair of osprey hanging around the trees and phone poles outside our house. Maybe they will start a nest. I don't know what this heron was trying to accomplish, but he sat this way for a long time.

Flowers and Flame Tree

Mike tells me this pretty tree is called a Flame Tree. I can see why. Also some beautiful Iris-like flowers. It's always fun to ride the ATVs into town. Always something to see.