Monday, May 31, 2010

Gary's Vista

Mike, Mike Z and I went on our ATVs yesterday to probably the highest flat spot above Mulege. The vista was incredible. Seemed that we could see forever. Coming back we spotted a driftwood man wearing a helmet.

Heron and Osprey

We have seen a pair of osprey hanging around the trees and phone poles outside our house. Maybe they will start a nest. I don't know what this heron was trying to accomplish, but he sat this way for a long time.

Flowers and Flame Tree

Mike tells me this pretty tree is called a Flame Tree. I can see why. Also some beautiful Iris-like flowers. It's always fun to ride the ATVs into town. Always something to see.

Crazy Tomatoes

Check out these crazy pointed tomatoes I grew in the garden bed outside of the guest casita. I can't remember what variety these were, but the leaves are varigated green/yellow.

Schmidty's First Dorado

Well FINALLY Mike Schmidt caught a Dorado. It wasn't a grande, but it was great for dinner just the same, and now we don't have to hear any more of his whining about not having caught one. Actually, we were thrilled for him. Thanks Schmidty for getting this over with, and giving us a great dinner, too. We took the fillets over to Pancho Villa's where the sign says, "CATCH IT, CLEAN IT, WE COOK IT, YOU EAT IT". Lucy did a great job of preparing it. As we driving down the river to take out boat out that morning, the tide was exceptionally low. We saw literally hundreds of small blue yellyfish or agua malas seemingly stranded by the low tide.


Mike and our wonderful friend and helper Victor posed for this shot. Victor helps us in so many ways I can't begin to thank him, including hauling our ATVs, boats, fishing gear and bed to safety before Hurricane Jimena.

Fire on the River

A small brush fire got totally out of control recently across the river and up a bit from our house. It took over thirty minutes for a fire truck to show up, then about another twenty for the other one and some aid cars. Eventually they put it out, but not before it raged quite a distance. We thought the explosions we heard were propane tanks, but turned out when the fire reaches the heart of the palm, they explode. The boys sat around the porch later enjoying a bit of tequila, and yucking it up.

Takes a shakin' and keeps on baking

Back in '89 I was gifted a DAK breadmaker. Last winter in desperation for some decent bread instead of Bimbo, a relative of Wonder Bread, I brought the ol thing down here to Mulege. One day I baked a rather dry loaf and the poor thing shook itself off the counter crashing to the tile floor. Several plastic pieces of the lid and rim were hopelessly broken off. I started over with a new loaf, and it happened again. This time the entire electronic panel on front fell off, but my wonderful husband managed to put that in place. Last week I made another loaf of bread, and the breadmaker still works. Amazing!

Chicken Condo and Geese

Mike and I went to a garden show in Sequim, and immediately spotted this little chicken condo on wheels. Had to have it! We placed it in the farm orchard with a nice fence, then adopted six chickens from Jake and Chelsea. Back at our house we had a visiting Canadian goose hanging out in our patio.

Shiga Lake Beach

My last day in Otsu Sarah, Sophia and I went to the most beautiful beach on Shiga Lake. It was very tranquil. Along the narrow walkway to the beach we saw many houses with little gardens or greenhouses. Even a few lavender plants! The manhole covers are quite decorative, depicting the area with boats and trees.

Jack Puppy

Sarah and I saw a little Jack Russell puppy for sale in one store. Interesting twist on the posting for this little guy, "Jack Rassell Terrer". At 148,000 yen, that's abouty $1500. Pets there are very expensive indeed.

Crazy Rickshaw Driver and Italian Restaurant

Here are a couple of lovely shots of Sarah with Sophia on our temple visit to Kiyomizu-dera. Racing along a side street was a very animated rickshaw driver, with a couple of customers. Lunched at an Italian restaurant. I got a kick out of some of the advertising for their meals such as, The Rare Cheescake of the Soybean Milk, The Bacon and Onion Tomato Source Pasta, and A Scallop and Potherb Mustard Seasoned Cod Roe Pasta. We ordered a cheese and basil pizza, which was delicious.

Strange Ceramics - Not for the Squeemish

No kidding. This was apparently a private by appointment only ceramic gallery with a very strange bunch of art. They speak for themselves.