Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Gig in the Square

Saturday Mike and I rode the ATV to the town square. Three Mulege policemen were guarding a parking spot for us right at the entrance. Our friend Marv was there to take lots of photos (see Xmas in Mulege photo postings on Baja Nomad photo forum). Seemed like hundreds of children of all ages there with parents. Mike was sweating rivers in his Santa suit, and our toy giveaway...some 750 toys...didn't start for about an hour and a half. I finally walked to a nearby store for an ice cold beer, sneaked it back into the square and poured it into a foam cup for Mike. We passed out 500 candy canes. The Rotary volunteers had made hundreds of cupcakes. Candy is a huge thing down here, and the kids were bouncing off the walls with sugar, but everyone was very happy, and Santa and his Elf were a huge hit. Next year Mike gets a lightweight Santa suit...maybe with shorts!

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