The second day we were in Mulege after Jimena, we had twelve people hired and working to clean stuff up...again. I noticed a skinny, starving pup in the yard, and sadly thought it belonged to one of the workers, who just wasn't taking care of her. She had a scraggly cloth collar on, and a rope leash dragging along. Of course it turned out she was a lost puppy which happens after these hurricanes, and I had to feed her. She is eight months old, and it seems we have adopted her now. Her name is Zoey. She is so healthy now, with a sleek shiny coat. We had her tutored as Mike calls it, so no stray babies. Boy is she a great dog. It was in the range of 110 degrees every day with very high humidity. At day's end we were exhausted, and it was comforting to have this sweet doggy to care for and play with.
Mike and I hoofed the bill to have the river road repaired from our house to the boat launch. Well, we also made a temporary loan of our dock (which was found somewhere down the road) to be placed down at the boat launch so people could actually get their boats out. Getting that road and the dock repaired changed the whole attitude of people here including us. It was pretty depressing before that, sort of land locked, but all is well now.
All that was left of our beautiful palapa was the base. Now it is rebuilt with lounge chairs under it. Things are getting back to normal, and life is good.
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